Technorati, AdSense and Me
For the last few weeks I hadn't been getting indexed by Technorati*. I talked to Liz from Successful-Blog** since she has a working relationship with Dave Sifry at T-rati.
She suggested I leave a comment on her Blog in the Technorati Put Your 2 Cents In post. This I did and Dave answered in a timely manner. He told me that my Blog was on hold for review due to the unusual advertising mechanisms and copious SEO.
That day, he made sure everything was indexed properly and I thought my problems were over. Everything is fine with T-rati now, but in subsequent comments HART brought another (related) problem to my attention.
Although I have used AdSense since the beginning, I found out that there could be a bigger problem brewing. I had set up the ads as I have seen on many blogs, and (I thought) according to the TOS of AdSense.
Upon looking at the Source Code for the Blog, it seems there are multiple occurrences of the AdSense code. You are allowed 3 instances of ads on a page. Since I had only 2 Ad codes, a Google search and an affiliate link everything would be OK.
I sent an E-mail to AdSense right away, and found out they counted all of the occurrences, which came to 8. How I got that many, when the most I should have had was 4, I don't know. It most likely is that they don't count a Post or Enrty as a Page as I did.
Needless to say, I am worried I could lose my AdSense account. I have rearranged and deleted some code and sent another E-mail to them to re-review my Blog.
At present, I am awaiting a response from them, and hopefully things will be resolved with an outcome that is in my favor.
Check out my source code, and if you have any suggestions on how to put an Ad at the end of ONLY the First or Second post, Please let me know.
* Technorati
** Successful Blog If you were on the new Home Page and got transferred here through a link in an article, Please Click Here to Return to Working at Home on the Internet (the New and Improved Version). For your convience: E-Mail Questions Good Luck in YOUR Endeavors
Hi Joe,
It looks like your responder ad had thrown your sidebar out of whack. I like your new look.
When I had google I kept them all in my sidebar, but that was only because I wasn't clever enough to figure out how to put them in my posts.
I meant to comment also on how I like that you've made your comment easier to see. I noticed that the other day. It works nicely.
Hey Liz,
Thanks,I have been moving things around a bit, haven't I.
I am trying to make navigation easier. Seems to be working as page views have gone up with the same amount of new visitors.
I didn't like the way Haloscan worked, so I just reinstated the regular connents from Blogger.
Appreciate you stopping by, it's always nice seeing you.
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