My Typical Work at Home Day
I won't bother about waking up, getting coffee, etc. That goes without saying.
I try to start the day by no later than 8:00 am, that's when I go into the office, turn on the computer, and download E-mail. Finish up the personal start up. Then down to business.
It usually takes between an hour to an hour and a half to wade through all the E-M's. I sort the Ad correspondence, responses to Blog mail, personal mail, not to mention all the Bulk mail (some of the Ad correspondence end up there).
Next comes research for the day, keeping up with everything happening on the Net. I go to all the different Blog sites, and Forums I have in my personal list. Here I may or may not find something to write about in My Blog.
That is always the Main Focus, updating the Blog. Unfortunately, sometimes it takes longer to find something to write about than you may think. The important thing is that I find something pertinent regarding Working at Home. Once that is done I have to make sure to "ping" all the Feeds I am linked to, not all have links directly in the template of the Blog.
After that I try to Update the other Pages I have started, each of which takes a varied amount of time to complete. They also have to be "pinged".
Frankly, by this time it is usually well after noon. That's when I try to determine what seems to be working for my sites, I check all of the statistics, clicks, page views, revenue etc, for all of the pages. I will make periodic adjustments accordingly.
By now, if the wife hasn't called me for dinner, I will try to find New ways of trying to increase circulation. This does take a little investigation and More Research.
After dinner, if I have found anything of interest, I will attend to it, download, read, or otherwise respond.
What is your typical Work at Home day like? Let me know in comments please. If you were on the new Home Page and got transferred here through a link in an article, Please Click Here to Return to Working at Home on the Internet (the New and Improved Version). For your convience: E-Mail Questions Good Luck in YOUR Endeavors
Here's my typical Work at Home Day...
I usually start late, around 10 am. First thing I do is to go to my forum and moderate it. It really pisses me when I see all those spam messages which inevitably are going to be deleted.
Then I reply to messages that need to be . I then browse through other forums/blogs looking for some ideas to post to my forum. This continues till noon.
I then take a short nap :) In the evenings, I again spend some time moderating my forum. Finally I check my emails, stats and earnings.
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