Work at Home Pitfalls
Working at Home seems the ideal situation for just about anyone.
The independent personality, work at home moms, recently unemployed, hate my boss, et cetera, all have a reason to work at home. Everyone who has tried a Home Business of any sort, all have good intentions when they start out.
I'll be my own boss, I can spend time with the kids, or whatever reason you start your own business, can also be the same reason your business could fail. Whatever your intentions in the beginning, don't let your Reasons become Excuses.
When I find myself with no ideas or subjects to write about, I call it writers block. What it is really, is a lack of concentration on my part. If I look a little further, maybe after a short break from the computer, I can usually come up with something.
Being your own boss sounds ideal. However, not everyone can push themselves to do what has to be done, they need an outside influence. Make sure you form a game plan and stick to it. Be your own boss, set deadlines and keep them. Otherwise you may be better off just getting a "regular" job.
If you started working at home to have more time with your children, don't be disillusioned when it's not the quality time you expected. You need to work at working. You can have that time with the kids, just make sure you allocate time for the business. Prioritize your day and make sure the kids know that while working, you are not to be disturbed, unless it is really important.
Starting a Home Business after being laid-off, fired, downsized, or otherwise unemployed, is all well and good. But you should realize that just because you could do something while working for an established company, you may need to learn a lot more than your old job required.
I would not suggest even starting a business of any sort if your sole reason is "I hate my boss". Chances are you won't like your new boss (you) any more than the last one.
The above pitfalls are far from the only ones you may encounter. You have to be scheduler, shipper & receiver, accountant, credit manager, mechanic, supplier... and on, and on...
Don't be put off by all the work you have to do, working for yourself at home does have it's rewards. You Can be independent, you Can spend more time with the kids, you Can show your old boss.
As long as you are prepared for all the pitfalls, you can enjoy all the rewards.
What are some of the pitfalls you have encountered while working at home? If you were on the new Home Page and got transferred here through a link in an article, Please Click Here to Return to Working at Home on the Internet (the New and Improved Version). For your convience: E-Mail Questions Good Luck in YOUR Endeavors
Thats a quite good article
I have my own business now
Its amazing.
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