Link Exchange Requests
Link exchanges are a good way to get exposure for your site. Most times they are a two way street. Sometimes, the other site doesn't follow through with the arrangement.
Most of the links I have on the Blog are actually one way by design. It would be nice if they linked back, but for the most part they are there for the sole puropose of helping people who want to Work at Home. Some do link back from their site, and are very much appreciated.
However, there are some that solicit an exchange, and when they see their link on your site, they are supposed to reciprocate. These are the ones to look out for. The problem is you can never tell if they are sincere in their request for an exchange. Some just want to have the exposure on your site, and don't really care if you benefit or not.
After checking out the other site (well designed BTW), I thought the arrangement would be an advantage to our respective sites. Only after placing the link in my sidebar, and repeated E-mails to an (unnamed) owner of another site (no link intentionally), did I understand that I had been duped into giving him exposure without any in return. (The link has been removed).
Even with this experience, I still feel that link exchanges are a good way to expose your site to more readers. You just need to be cautious in who you link with, as with any other solicitation. So, try to build a trust between yourself and the other site (person) before you actually put any links on your site.
Update: Names have been removed, all has been resolved. If you were on the new Home Page and got transferred here through a link in an article, Please Click Here to Return to Working at Home on the Internet (the New and Improved Version). For your convience: E-Mail Questions Good Luck in YOUR Endeavors
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