2 Part Series: Blog vs Website... Websites
Websites are better suited to Commercial ventures than Blogs. If you have products and/or services for public consumption a website may be your better alternative.
~~ Static... No need to change everyday, only update as necessary.
~~ Products... You can advertise, sell and promote your own products and services.
~~ Navigation... Set up navigation by product types and various categories.
~~ Expandable... As you add additional products, add pages to cover descriptions and features.
~~ Links... By category to various products and related wares.
~~ Customers... Sales are only a few steps away, customers are looking for something to buy.
~~ Files... Easy Upload and Download of new files and backups.
~~ Static... Also a disadvantage because SEO likes updates.
~~ Visitors... Must continually get new visitors, rarely get returns.
~~ Community... Webpages are all onesided, no interaction with customers.
~~ SEO... People have to be able to find you, updating for SEO more difficult than Blogs.
As I said about Blogs, these are not the only possibilities, so feel free to add your thoughts.
Additional Information:
Domain Names and Hosting
Vishal P. Rao on SEO
(More information on this subject under Websites in the Category list in the sidebar)
Posts in the Series:
Blog vs Website (Overview)
Blogs If you were on the new Home Page and got transferred here through a link in an article, Please Click Here to Return to Working at Home on the Internet (the New and Improved Version). For your convience: E-Mail Questions Good Luck in YOUR Endeavors
Another difference between the two is that, in general, a website will require more knowledge to create and to maintain. Although the plethora of WYSIWYG editors has made website development much easier for the average person, it is still more difficult than your typical blog. Someone can create a maintain a blog with literally next to no technical knowledge, and I don't think you can say that for a website. I'm not really sure if that's an advantage or disadvantage, I guess that would depend on your level of expertise and viewpoint ;)
Another point you may want to note is that the average user could care less whether it is a blog, or a website, or a wiki, or a [place your favorite CMS here]. The comparison is really only valid for creators of sites, not for consumers of sites. Studies have shown that the vast majority of internet users don't know and don't care when they visit a blog, and many that have been to blogs don't even know it. They don't care, and shouldn't be required to care. All they care about is getting the information they came for, so we come once again back to the mantra: "Content is king".
Hey DavidC,
I appreciate your input, and I do agree with you on the difficulty aspect. And the fact that the reader doesn't and shouldn't care.
This is just a guide for some of my readers who have inquired about the difference between the two and trying determine which is better while to run a work at home business.
You are also correct in saying "Content is King" (or Queen if you ask Liz).
Thanks for visiting, and I hope to see you more often.
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