
Don't be the One that Copies Others.......................................................Be the One that Others Copy

Thursday, June 01, 2006

It's Blog-Tipping Day

Easton Ellsworth of Business BlogWire started a thing called Blog-Tipping last month. On the first of each month, we should pick three Bloggers we read and give them three compliments and a helpful tip. Since I think it is such a great idea, I thought I would try my hand at it.

Now for my first attempt at Blog-Tipping Day.

Successful-Blog... ME "Liz" Strauss

1. I think the thing that impresses me most about your Blog is the Community I feel when I visit. There is always a good conversation going on and you lead the way.

2. Your posts always have a theme to them, from your Beginning Bloggers posts to the Net Neutrality issue, people know where they are going and how to get there.

3. Since I first started reading your Blogs, I noticed that you were leaking links to other Bloggers you found and gave them your SOB Award (of which I am a proud recipient).

Tip. Proof-read. Spell Check will only correct a word that is spelled incorrectly, not mis-typed.

The Future of the Web... Jesse Skinner

1. Your posts are always full of information and are helpful to even a novice like me.

2. When I visit your blog, I know I will be able to make a comment or ask a question and always get an answer.

3. The layout and navigation of your site is great, that's why I asked for your opinion of my website.

Tip(s). 2 for the price of 1. Post more often, I know you have a full time job, but your information is important enough to post daily. Second, I know you like your site to be clean, but putting an AdSense ad or two won't hurt, and you could make a buck.

Why My Blog Stinks... Steve Remington

1. I like the way you use the reverse psychology approach. You tell people what not to do, then explain what to do.

2. I like the way you involve your readers, using a contest for a logo, among other things. Novel approach.

3. Your approach to writing is very involving. You try to speak to your readers rather than at them.

Tip(s). Another 2fer. #1. Maybe it's just me, but your type face seems very small, a little larger may be an advantage. #2. On your longer posts, you may want to use the (read more...) to save load time of your page.

I think this is a worthwhile project and hope you try your hand at Tipping a Blog(ger) next month. My plan is to continue this project monthly because I like the whole idea of being helpful to other Bloggers and sharing the Link Leak Virus in this way as well.

Have you Tipped a Blog lately? Who was it? How did it make you feel?

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Good Luck in YOUR Endeavors


At 9:00 AM, Blogger "ME" Liz Strauss said...

I think the answer is also in learning to s-l-o-w d-o-w-n, which I'm working hard on trying to do. Getting better, bit by bit, byte by byte, word by word.

Thank you for caring.

At 9:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey thanks for the link love my friend. You aren't the first person to mention the small text. I may jump that up another size or 2.


At 11:02 AM, Blogger Joseph said...

Hey Liz,
This is the least I could do after all the link leak love you have given me. Slower can sometimes win the race...

Hey Steve,
I visit you often, just thought I'd share what I like with my readers. Maybe now I won't have to put my reading-glasses on LOL

Hey Jesse,
I had to share with you because you have been around here and shared your thoughts so often.

Thanks to all for your great blogging and it's a pleasure for me to spread your links to all I can.


At 10:56 PM, Blogger anonymous said...

Joe, I think you might just be the first person whose blogtippees all also went blogtipping on a given B-Day. Congrats!

Great job of it, too. This is exactly what I hoped for when I created the idea - something not only light and fun, but also demonstrative of the kind of thoughtfulness and generosity that a good blogger should have.

At 8:46 AM, Blogger Joseph said...

Hey Easton,
Thanks, I think I just picked some great Bloggers. They probably would have done it themselves without my prompting.

But it does feel good when the bloggers you tip, tip other bloggers.


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