It's Blog-Tipping Day
Easton Ellsworth of Business BlogWire started a thing called Blog-Tipping last month. On the first of each month, we should pick three Bloggers we read and give them three compliments and a helpful tip. Since I think it is such a great idea, I thought I would try my hand at it.
Now for my first attempt at Blog-Tipping Day.
Successful-Blog... ME "Liz" Strauss
1. I think the thing that impresses me most about your Blog is the Community I feel when I visit. There is always a good conversation going on and you lead the way.
2. Your posts always have a theme to them, from your Beginning Bloggers posts to the Net Neutrality issue, people know where they are going and how to get there.
3. Since I first started reading your Blogs, I noticed that you were leaking links to other Bloggers you found and gave them your SOB Award (of which I am a proud recipient).
Tip. Proof-read. Spell Check will only correct a word that is spelled incorrectly, not mis-typed.
The Future of the Web... Jesse Skinner
1. Your posts are always full of information and are helpful to even a novice like me.
2. When I visit your blog, I know I will be able to make a comment or ask a question and always get an answer.
3. The layout and navigation of your site is great, that's why I asked for your opinion of my website.
Tip(s). 2 for the price of 1. Post more often, I know you have a full time job, but your information is important enough to post daily. Second, I know you like your site to be clean, but putting an AdSense ad or two won't hurt, and you could make a buck.
Why My Blog Stinks... Steve Remington
1. I like the way you use the reverse psychology approach. You tell people what not to do, then explain what to do.
2. I like the way you involve your readers, using a contest for a logo, among other things. Novel approach.
3. Your approach to writing is very involving. You try to speak to your readers rather than at them.
Tip(s). Another 2fer. #1. Maybe it's just me, but your type face seems very small, a little larger may be an advantage. #2. On your longer posts, you may want to use the (read more...) to save load time of your page.
I think this is a worthwhile project and hope you try your hand at Tipping a Blog(ger) next month. My plan is to continue this project monthly because I like the whole idea of being helpful to other Bloggers and sharing the Link Leak Virus in this way as well.
Have you Tipped a Blog lately? Who was it? How did it make you feel? If you were on the new Home Page and got transferred here through a link in an article, Please Click Here to Return to Working at Home on the Internet (the New and Improved Version). For your convience: E-Mail Questions Good Luck in YOUR Endeavors
I think the answer is also in learning to s-l-o-w d-o-w-n, which I'm working hard on trying to do. Getting better, bit by bit, byte by byte, word by word.
Thank you for caring.
Hey thanks for the link love my friend. You aren't the first person to mention the small text. I may jump that up another size or 2.
Hey Liz,
This is the least I could do after all the link leak love you have given me. Slower can sometimes win the race...
Hey Steve,
I visit you often, just thought I'd share what I like with my readers. Maybe now I won't have to put my reading-glasses on LOL
Hey Jesse,
I had to share with you because you have been around here and shared your thoughts so often.
Thanks to all for your great blogging and it's a pleasure for me to spread your links to all I can.
Joe, I think you might just be the first person whose blogtippees all also went blogtipping on a given B-Day. Congrats!
Great job of it, too. This is exactly what I hoped for when I created the idea - something not only light and fun, but also demonstrative of the kind of thoughtfulness and generosity that a good blogger should have.
Hey Easton,
Thanks, I think I just picked some great Bloggers. They probably would have done it themselves without my prompting.
But it does feel good when the bloggers you tip, tip other bloggers.
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