Refresh Your Mind
On a beautiful day like today (75 degrees F), I like to sit outside on the patio and go over my old writings, thoughts, designs and ideas.
While I was designing the Web Site*, I did it all on paper. It seemed like a good way to visualize how it should look. Drawing on paper can start out as just a doodle, and get as graphic as I want or need it to be. All done sitting on the patio.
Actually, when I work like this it is relaxing. It's almost like I'm not working at all. It's a good way to get the thought process going.
Most times, while I am going over stats or trying to find ways to improve my business while inside I get so involved I can't see the forrest for the trees. I start to stagnate. So, my way of reinvigorating is to work outside to clear my mind.
I feel that by taking a break from the mundane and tedious tasks inside, it is much easier to accomplish what needs to be done. When I am refreshed, it is easier to complete the work at hand.
With spring coming on, I will be able to spend more time outside. The biggest problem I run into is, I work on the computer. If I could afford a laptop, I would get one so that I wouldn't be tied to the desk (top). So, I'll just have to adjust my schedule so I can spend more time outside to get fresh air and rejuvenate.
How do you rejuvenate and refresh your mind to accomplish more?
Working at Home Website*
If you have a laptop you intend to discard, contact me... I could really use it. If you were on the new Home Page and got transferred here through a link in an article, Please Click Here to Return to Working at Home on the Internet (the New and Improved Version). For your convience: E-Mail Questions Good Luck in YOUR Endeavors
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