Answers to Questions
I'm interested in self improvement by working at home. I'd love to read about who you are, what made you start working at home, what you spend your time doing. How has working at home improved your life? What have the troubles been? I'd like to hear what your short term and long term goals are, and I'd like to watch you achieve your goals over time.
--Posted by Anonymous to Self Improvement by Working at Home at 12/04/2005 10:39:55 AM
First let me say, Thank you Anonymous.
Who I am is pretty much explained in My Profile. It shows some of my likes, and interests.
The road to Working at Home has been varied and long. I worked on computers long ago, integrating and running two Main Frames on an Auto Dialer. When that company (who will remain nameless) decided to Involuntarily Resign me for starting my own business, I turned into a Consultant for that Company. I made a lot more money that way than as an employee.
Then the market changed and my expertise was pretty much out of date. As the incoming requests for consulting began to dwindle, I took on side jobs doing Tree Work of all things.
I really enjoyed working in the great outdoors, and as I became better at my job, I began getting offers from different companies for my services. I became a Subcontractor, and liked the idea of being my own boss. Then the unforseeable happened, my leg was run over by a truck on the job. Insurance covered the injury, but I can't do the heavy labor needed for tree work anymore.
That left me only one option... Fall back on Computers. I never really stopped using computers, but it was mostly for entertainment.
This leads me to the Here and Now. I have had to re-learn what I used to take for granted. I have learned about HTML and XML which I never knew. I have learned some things about Advertising, both for Clients and Myself. I was prepared to work long hours, but didn't realize how much more I would have to learn just to get up to snuff.
I think that the MORE YOU LEARN, THE MORE YOU IMPROVE YOURSELF. As long as I learn something new, and I do everyday, the Sky is the Limit. The Goal for the Short Term, is to succeed enough to actually Make a Living on the Internet. Even though Most Internet Businesses fold shortly after inception, I think, with enough Hard Work and stick-toitive-ness I will be able to be in that 1% that SUCCEEDS.
I hope this answers some of your questions, and I Thank You again for taking an interest. If you were on the new Home Page and got transferred here through a link in an article, Please Click Here to Return to Working at Home on the Internet (the New and Improved Version). For your convience: E-Mail Questions Good Luck in YOUR Endeavors
Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions, and I look forward to watching you learn and grow and improve over time. All the best!
Hello, I´m also one of those that daydream of making a living working online. I´ve thought of setting up a blog like you do for motivational reasons where I would write about how that mission is going. One issue I´m stuck on is whether I should tell all about my plans and ideas or if that would be to invite competition from copycats. What do you think about that?
I think if you're doing something truly unique where others copying would directly ruin your plans, well, patent what it is you're doing. Otherwise, if you're plans have been done before, you have nothing to lose to be open and transparent. In fact, being open and transparent may bring you more attention and devotion from fans (ie., customers). And if you are open and enough people recognize what you are doing, and someone else copies it, you can hope they will be branded as a copycat trying to catch up to you, whereas you will be held up high as the one who did it first.
Thanks for the answer Anon, what I am thinking of has been done before but not in the same way. What I fear is that while I´m creating my site on my own, and describing what I intend to do beforehand, some semi-successfull company with manpower and money might notice the blog and beat me to it. However what you say about fans is right.
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