You can tell a lot by looking at your statistics. Not just how well your blog is doing by the numbers, which is important, but you can see a little of whats going on by the landing pages.
Most of the lookups from Google, MSN and Yahoo are for some variation of "Work at Home" and they land on the front page. There are some searches that tell you more of what people are looking for and who is promoting what.
Some examples:For the last 2 weeks I have been getting numerous hits on my Blogger Problems post. This is when Blogger (Blogspot) was having major problems.
I keep getting hits on the post on the Importance of Statistics, which means to me that at least one of the statcounters has a major campaign going on.
Of course there are a growing number of hits on the SuperHighway post with the ongoing controversy of Net Neutrality.
It seems Verizon is running a large promotion for their DSL service on the West coast. I keep getting hits on the Finally Over post describing problems and fixes for their equipment.
There is another major E-Mail campaign by Corporate Solutions, I can tell because the 1-800 number in their promotion keeps coming up in Google searches and they end up here.
My thoughts:I think these few example tell a lot. They tell me that I'm not alone in my problems with Blogger, they have to work on fixes or start losing quite a few members of their blogging service.
Statistics are becoming more important to other bloggers so they can monitor the health of their blogs.
Internet Neutrality is becoming more to the forefront. More people are becoming interested in the subject and want to know more about it.
Verizon is having g problems still with the equipment they provide to customers and they need to give better instructions or find a new hardware provider.
People are getting more leary of what they get in their E-main and tend to look up information on the internet before even making a free phone call.
These trends may not show anything of importance. Then again, they could be a barometer of what's happening on the internet and business.
Have you noticed any trends in your statistics? Do you think spotting a trend for your business is important?
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